Mendham & Peapack

Tribute Wall
Funeral Service
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
St. Luke Episcopal Church
182 Main St.
Gladstone, New Jersey, United States
(908) 234-0002
Bill Brennan posted a condolence
Monday, December 16, 2024
I just received my Sigma Phi Flame where Fritz's passing was noted. As a fraternity brother at the Lehigh chapter in Bethlehem PA, Fritz and his crew would wander in from just watching Lehigh beat Lafayette in football (most times). Our house was just up the hill in Sayre Park. The living room was always more electric when they showed up. I can recall many a time when Jim Moran (his best friend and fellow Sig) would say out loudly to Fritz, "Let's Go, Fritzy". And off to dinner they would go.
Bill Brennan L'78
Michael Helbing uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, November 17, 2024

In Autum 2012, my hiking group, Metrotrails, was walking Larger Cross Road when a man pulled up in his car to ask if everyone was alright. We explained what we were doing, and he asked if we needed any water. Another friend jokingly asked "Got any beer?". "Second driveway on the left" he said with a smile and drove off.
We thought little of it until we were passing his beautiful home, and he was standing on his porch holding up a beer in each hand, motioning our large group to come over.
Mr. Mueller invited this entire group of strangers into his home, played beautiful piano for us, gave us drinks and snacks, and we chatted for over an hour on his back deck overlooking the Cushetunk Mountain.
To this day, members of the group that day fondly recall the kind and humorous interaction and unexpected hospitality from a complete stranger.
An act of kindness and a joyful experience that has been often reminisced is perhaps the greatest legacy one can have. We were but a few people on one day. I suspect that Fritz Mueller is the subject of much fond reminiscing by many people.
RIP to this fine gentleman.
Phil Helm lit a candle
Thursday, October 24, 2024

My deepest condolences. I haven’t seen Fritz for many years but he was an unforgettable man.
Barbara Scott posted a condolence
Saturday, August 17, 2024
How sad! Fritzy, as he was known in high school, was fun and flamboyant! As I recall, he was given a brand new Ford Mustang when he got his license. And his parents hosted our senior after prom party. He was quite a guy! I’ll cherish memories of him and am so thankful I saw him at an MHS reunion a few years ago. A life well lived.
BG (Barbara Gwynne Scott)
Melanie Sigerson posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
The first time I had a talk with Fritz was a few decades ago.
Somehow Bermuda came up and we were talking about a fun place we had both been to. Simultaneously we said " The Hippo"
He was so much fun to be with.
When I looked at all the people in the church today, I was touched by the fact that he didn't only know them but he had in some ways touched their lives and heart.
My deepest condolences to his beloved family.and all. ❤️
Peter Brennan posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
I loved Fritz. Who else could smuggle a bottle of Dewars in a seat cushion to a Lehigh Lafayette game? Many great days with Bobby and an assorted cast of characters at 12 Oaks with Fritz overseeing us idiots lazing (mostly naked) in the pool. Fritz loved the 60s music feed and his meticulous beer collection in the fridge. Then there the were the days at the Tewksbury Tavern, I'll refrain from the worst days. And a night in NYC somewhere downtown-ish where Fritz caught someone partaking in contraband in a bathroom stall. Long Live Fritz. I will miss him.
Sue posted a condolence
Monday, April 29, 2024
So so very sorry to hear about the passing of Fritz Jr. I was a customer of his for many years at Muellers. Fritz was always full of knowledge whether it be about flowers or unique places to visit. Fritz, now you are with your wife and beautiful daughters. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family .Rest in peace.
Sue D’Ambola and family
Bob Downing posted a symbolic gesture
Saturday, April 20, 2024

I have so many memories of my dear friend Fritz, I will need to post numerous times. This first from September 1958 (66 years ago!) in the Lehigh Freshman Dorm when Fitz came into my room from his room next door! What a coincidence he was to live there because I had already heard about Fritz and his Family at my summer Florist job.
I had a poker game going on with 5 or 6 of us extremely nervous first day boys. Fritz saw quarters and dollars on my bed. Already knowing who he was Imagine my surprise when he said “Oh I could never play for that much money. I could only play for pennies”!! I never mentioned anything to my new friends, but that was when I started loving Fritz.
Bob Downing
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Our Locations:
Mendham Location:
8 Hilltop Road
Mendham, NJ 07945
Peapack Location:
176 Main Street
Peapack NJ 07977
For GPS Purposes use Gladstone, NJ 07934